Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, August 18, 2024
The Children Are Always Guided by the Angels, and the Chosen Ones Are Guided by the Archangel Raphael
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and St. Raphael the Archangel to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 18, 2024

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you.
My Presence is strong in your midst, I love this place so much that many times they have tried to change it, making plans, wanting to build things not established by Heaven, roads, We have never allowed this, this is because here is the plan of God the Father Almighty and this cave will always have to remain like this, even if it needs your care. One day that is not far away, everyone will want to take care of this cave, I appeared here not only to My son John, but also to many children. At the same time that I appeared to John, all the children saw Me in the same way, with folded hands, through their testimony many believed and went here, receiving many signs, just as is happening to you. Many did not continue to believe, because evil brought much confusion, especially when they replaced My Statue with the painting, those who understood that what was taking place was a supernatural phenomenon, they wanted to protect My Statue, but they did it without the approval of Heaven, only power mattered to them, because this Statue would enrich them, evil always confuses the truth, giving thoughts similar to good, so that human beings justify themselves to themselves.
The children who saw Me for one time were guided by Archangel Raphael, He showed them the path, some saw Me at the Bridge, some towards the path, some outside the Cave, the Archangel Raphael manifested himself to them through any of their friends.
My children, what Heaven works the world ignores, The children are always guided by the Angels, and the chosen ones are guided by the Archangel Raphael, He guided all the children who were part of the Baptizing Community, the Community that built My Statue, one day it will be called the Mystery and Revelations of Mary Most Holy of the Bridge, because they will have the confirmations of the origin of the Statue.
The Archangel Raphael will tell you about the first day he manifested himself to John, even though John did not recognize Him.
The Archangel Raphael is here, repeat all together with Me:
Archangel Raphael, show the way to us, to our children, for You know the way of salvation, the way that leads to Jesus the Savior of souls throughout the world. Archangel Raphael, show us the path, as You showed John.
Brothers, sisters, close your eyes, I want to take you to the Land of David, in the Holy Land, during the construction of the Statue.
In those days Jerusalem was surrounded by great walls, with two entrances opposite each other, the Community met in a stone dungeon, and sometimes forced to move. During a trip at night, the children of the Community slept, until some of them suddenly woke up and began to speak unknown languages, pointing toward the sky, pointing to My light, many of the Community believed what they were experiencing, thus being able to see the light, while others were very tried in believing, the children began to pray for them, washing away their fear, thus being able to make them see My light so that they would not be lost. Brothers, sisters, those children were the heart of the Community, for some of them were marked, as was John.
Brothers, sisters, on an October morning I met John in a large square with merchants, I was dressed in a long brown tunic, with green and gold embroidery, I approached Little Hat and asked him about his good mood, he said: "because the sky is clear," the clouds saddened him, in his purity he brought Me here, showing Me where he lived and what he did, I said to him: "John, you are a very good boy, cherish this goodness since it will serve the people you will meet like Me, I thank you John, you have given Me your goodness. ”
Brothers, sisters, John in his heart knew, but could not understand, for the time had not yet come, a few months from now he would see Me again together with My brothers Michael and Gabriel.
Brothers, sisters, you also guard goodness like John, many souls need it, for they are deluded by this world, living blind, following souls corrupted by evil, this is a great task.
Brothers, sisters, after the death of John in this world, but the assumption into heaven, the Archangel Gabriel collected His clothes and brought them to the Holy Land in front of one of the great entrances of the city, burying them, so that whoever walked would be enveloped in His purity.
Many gifts God the Father Almighty has denied to Jerusalem over the years, have been blinded and corrupted by evil until today, the Father has used such mercy.
Brothers, sisters, today was a great day, Father will reveal more and more of this place and its connections with Jerusalem.
Now I must go, the Father is calling Me.
My children, remember all this in the book, the clothes that remember John Little Hat, those that were consecrated by Archangel Michael, one day will be a relic, they must be in the house of his instrument, so that it will be recognized that this Extraordinary history was revealed through you who believed and persevered, one day this relic will give signs.
I love you My children, immensely, the presence of Archangel Raphael is in your midst through the wind that touches you and makes you feel chills.
Now I must leave you, give you a kiss and bless you in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.